Deep Tissue Massage
WHAT IS Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage focuses on the deeper layer of muscles and connective tissue. The techniques used are firmer than traditional massage to gain the depth required to make positive changes at this level. However it is much more than ‘hard massage’.
Deep Tissue Massage has a unique therapeutic and restorative approach.
It can also be used to:
Address postural issues
Improve work or desk related pain and stiffness
Increase flexibility and fluidity of movement
Reduce muscular pain
Restore muscular balance
Is a deep tissue massage painful?
How do I know whether to choose a Sports Massage or a Deep Tissue Massage?
Many of the techniques for Sports Massage and Deep Tissue Massage are similar. They are both firmer in pressure and have a therapeutic focus rather than for relaxation. Deep Tissue Massage tends to focus across a wider area and there is usually minimal interruption to treatment other than to change position. Sports Massage may be used to target a focussed area. Sports Massage requires much more dialogue between the therapist and patient to achieve the goals for the session.
Will I be sore after treatment?
Some people experience muscle soreness post massage. This is very common and nothing to worry about. Typically it will improve within 24 – 48 hours post massage.