Paediatric osteopathy
Babies to pre-school
Osteopathic practice is a multi-faceted approach to healthcare that provides individualised treatment plans which can include: manual therapy, health information, self management advice and support, and/or exercise therapy.
Babies are often brought to the clinic for assessment by a paediatric osteopath by a concerned parent/guardian describing*

Unsettled behaviour or persistent crying

Poor sleep

Digestive or feeding problems

Difficulty performing certain age appropriate movements

A challenging birth
Your osteopath will discuss these symptoms, behaviours or concerns as part of a wider case history and assessment. Your baby’s first appointment will start with a detailed case history which will include discussion on the pregnancy, birth and life with your child at home. Osteopathy is based on the principle that the healthy balance and function of the musculoskeletal framework of the body is essential to whole body health.
Our Paediatric Osteopaths also work with patients with specific needs, such as those
with physical disabilities and additional learning needs. Bring any information, test results or imaging you feel may be beneficial for your Osteopath to your appointment.
For assessment you will be asked to remove clothing so your baby is in just a nappy. Your osteopath will work through a ‘top to toe’ physical examination which will include some neurological examination such as reflexes. Osteopaths are trained to screen for medical conditions and will tell you if you need to see another health professional such as your doctor or midwife
Your osteopath will then discuss a treatment plan with you. Cranial Osteopathy is a popular technique for babies and children as it is very gentle. You may be given some stretches or guidance to support you and your baby between appointments.
*Advertising Standards guidelines state an osteopathic approach can not make claims to ‘cure’ or specifically ‘treat’ named conditions associated with the paediatric population. To find out more about our scope of practice please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
School Age Children and Teenagers
Osteopathy is suitable for children and teenagers at all stages of development. We appreciate children are not just mini adults. Osteopathic assessment for this age group considers physical, hormonal and emotional changes your child/ teenager may be facing at this stage.
Many older children/teenagers are heavily involved in sport, committing many hours a week to training and competition. The clinic will provide a supportive environment to help your sporty teen navigate their pain and injury. Where possible we can work with coaches to suggest modifications rather than complete avoidance of activities.
Appointment Duration
Initial Consultations are 60 minutes and Follow Up appointments are 40 minutes. Please note these are guidelines only. Your Osteopath will take the time they feel is needed to provide an appropriate and beneficial treatment for your child. Babies and young children will have their own tolerance levels, which will vary appointment to appointment.
Please note we do not allow more than two adults to attend the appointment with the child.
A parent/legal guardian is unable to attend the appointment, can someone else bring my child?
Your child may only receive treatment if a parent/guardian is present. This is a legal requirement. A family member (who is not awarded guardianship) or family friend, even if well known to the child or regularly engaged in child care is not sufficient. Please ensure your child is accompanied by an appropriate adult who is able to consent for treatment.
My child is very mature for their age - can they attend alone?
We appreciate you or your child may feel they are mature enough to attend their appointment alone. A child may give consent for treatment if they are deemed to have Gilleck Competancy. In a clinical setting this is a demonstrable understanding of what has been discussed, assessment findings and the proposed treatment plan. Within an osteopathic appointment we ask that you are confident your child/teenager is going to be comfortable expressing their thoughts, concerns and boundaries surrounding their assessment and treatment with their Osteopath without you present.
The decision to treat without a parent or guardian present will remain at the discretion of the Osteopath.
My child is now legally an adult - what happens next?
Our Osteopaths treat all ages so it is likely you can continue with the same practitioner. The only change is on booking – select a follow up appointment rather than paediatric follow up appointment.
How long will you keep their notes for?
Patients seen prior to their 18th birthday will have their notes stored until their 25th birthday.
What training does an Osteopath require to treat children?
Paediatric Osteopathy is taught at undergraduate level and all our Osteopaths have committed to further training in this area as part of their Continuing Professional Development.
Our Approach
We let you tell your story. We ask a lot of questions. It's important to not only identify the source of your pain but also why you are experiencing it. At Tottenham Hale Osteopaths we recognise that in order to successfully overcome pain or injury there must be a partnership between patient and practitioner.
You can expect a treatment plan tailored to you delivered by a friendly, knowledgeable team.